The 40 Year Plan, The Ultimate Pyramid Scheme
40-year-plan-the-ultimate-pyramid-scheme Feb 8, 2010 @ 10:34
We have been duped! All of our lives we have been taught the wrong way to create wealth and prosperity. Even worse, we have been brainwashed into believing that it is the only way to be financially secure in our retirement.
From grade school on we have told that if we want to be a contributing member of society we have to:
- Get a good education.
- Get a good J.O.B. (Just Over Broke)
Half truths and innuendos, yes you need a good education, but we are taught the wrong things.
Start with education. You’ve done all you were told to do, you’ve studied hard and earned several advanced degrees, you are a heart surgeon. Money in the Bank!!
WRONG, how many heart operations can you perform each day? 2, 3, or maybe 4? Bear in mind that your patients have to survive the procedure.
At the end of the day you are trading your time for dollars. Yes, you are highly skilled and earn a high income.
How much quality time do you have to spend with your spouse and children? Time that you are not dead on your feet from being covered in blood and operating all day?
You have the income, you have the prestige, and the start of a drinking problem to escape the high stress levels of your J.O.B.
Is it any wonder that so many doctors write a book, quit their practice, and go on the Talk Show circuit?
The 40 Year Plan
Here is how the Plan is supposed to work.
At 25 years of age you are educated and working your “good job”. You save and or invest 10% every paycheck so that at 65 years you can retire to the life to which you have become accustomed.
Invest your money? It’s safe, right? Yea, right. Remember 2008? You studied 1929, didn’t you? It can’t happen again, can it? Oops, it just did!
Suppose that you are 25 right now and have $100,000 to invest for your future using the “miracle” of compound interest.
- 25 years old $100,000
- 33 years old $200,000
- 41 years old $400,000
- 49 years old $800,000
- 57 years old $1,600,000
- 65 years old $3,200,000
Remember, for the next forty years you cannot touch that money. It must be left alone to grow for your future.
Sounds great right? Retire a millionaire. The bad news is that according to current economic trends and predictions your three point two million dollars will onlybe worth $760,000 in forty years. Congratulations, you have worked your butt off your whole life to retire in poverty.
Take 100 people at age twenty-five, in forty years this is what they have:
- 31 are dead.
- 68 are dead broke.
- 1 is financially secure.
After my rant you are probably wondering how this is a pyramid scheme. One person out of one hundred is at the apex, while the rest are under him, 31 are six feet under.
One person out of one hundred people that labored their entire lives gets to retire with dignity. The sixty-eight other survivors get to live at poverty, work part-time jobs, and hope that their children are willing and able to help them out financially.
Modern day pharaohs are the CEO’s of major corporations, the ones bringing in multi-million dollar paychecks while their underlings search for ways to terminate employees that have reached $10.00 to $12.00 an hour.
Not wanting their tombs robbed Egyptian Pharaohs would bury their architects alive to prevent even the smallest chance of someone stealing their treasures. What was to be the architects greatest accomplishment was also their death sentence. Be put to death now if they refused, or be buried alive if they accepted.
Knowing this, the architect would install a secret escape hatch know only to him, and not on any plans.
The 4 Year Plan, Your Escape Hatch
Whatever age you are right now you can start today and build your Four Year Plan. You can have in four years what you were deceived into believing you would have in forty years.
How, you ask? Re-educate yourself, learn to build a network where the total is far greater than the sum of it’s parts.
Instead of depending on 100% of your efforts alone, with network marketing you can reap the rewards of 1% of hundreds or possibly thousands of people all working together for their common goal, Financial Independence.
Yes, you will have to work the Plan in order for the Plan to work. The first few months may be very hard work, but the rewards are definitely worth it.
Would you rather work hard for 4 years and have the lifestyle of your dreams or work hard for forty years and feel like you’ve been beaten with a stick?
There are many good Network Marketing plans out there so don’t be put off by the bad reputations of a few unscrupulous MLM companies.
Do your due diligence, find the Network Marketing Opportunity that fits in with your desired lifestyle.
- Be sure the product or service you are offering is of high quality.
- Make sure the Compensation Plan is beneficial to beginners and seasoned pros alike.
- Check that your potential up-line is able and willing to help you get started.
- Be wary of anyone that says they will do all of the work for you, do you work all week to give your check to someone else?
Network Marketing can be a fun and profitable experience. You can build friendships as you build your new lifestyle.
Start today and in four years time you can look back and see not the hardships of stepping out on a new frontier, but the benefits of new friends who also have the time and money to enjoy life to it’s fullest.