What? Do you mean you’re going to give it to me?
That’s exactly what I mean, every time I write a post it’s for you. If it was for me I wouldn’t need to post it.
I call it ‘enlightened self-interest’. By helping you I improve myself.
Zig Ziglar said it best, “You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”
It doesn’t really matter how you’re marketing, Digging, Tweeting, Facebooking, or whatever, way too many things to list, it’s about the people you’re talking to.
How what you’re doing can benefit them.
They don’t care about how you made X amount of Dollars using Widget Zero, except how it can help them.
Disclaimer:If Widget Zero does exist in any form I apologize for any copy-write infringement, it was purely coincidental. The name is pretty lame, you should change it.
Besides, it sounds like bragging.
Focus on what it can do for them, how it can improve, well whatever it does improve.
Do you have a blog? Is it all about you?
If so, does it echo? Have even the crickets abandoned you?
Change the focus, don’t try to make yourself look good. Make your readers feel good about themselves, that they can do it too.
You’ll get more results faster.
I know, you should check out some of my earliest posts, trying to show how smart I thought I was with every thing I was learning, boring! Even to me.
Oh wait, you can’t. I deleted those suckers right after I scrubbed the bright red L off of my forehead.
Yes, this blog is all about you.
Yours doesn’t need to be, and I hope it isn’t.
Do Not Be Denied,
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