Make Yourself Heard, Stand Out
A few days ago I was channel surfing before turning in for the night.
I stopped for a few minutes on a show called Poliwood. It was about how Hollywood celebrities may have an unfair influence in political affairs.
The part I saw was a meeting between some celebrities and “regular people” being moderated by newscasters.
One woman was saying it was unfair that no matter how well prepared she was, how much she knew about the topic, she couldn’t get a reporter to listen to her. Whereas a celebrity could walk right up with no knowledge or preparation and make headlines.
Another person stated that celebrities claim to speak for the common man when in reality the are divorced from the regular Joe’s by their Jet Set Lifestyle and decisions on which one of their multi-million dollars homes to stay in this month.
A male celebrity, I didn’t recognize him, tried to explain that they weren’t born famous, that they had had to work really hard to get where they are and they remember what it was like before.
So What Does This Have To Do with Internet Marketing?
As I was listening to the woman that wanted her voice to be heard I thought “Hasn’t she heard about the Internet?”
Anyone that want wants their opinion known can create a blog about it. She could take everything she knows about her topic, blog about it and set herself up as the expert that everyone goes to for the answers.
Maybe she doesn’t know how easy it is to set up a blog these days. The hardest part about blogging is finding something to say. Judging from her remarks she already knows what to talk about.
She can take her passion for politics, blog about it and make herself heard. In time she can become an Internet celebrity that people will listen to.
It’s going to take some hard work, but she has already done the research so put the content where it can be seen, if it is good it will start to spread out.
Use Your Passion And Be Heard
Do you have something you’re passionate about? Use it! Share your knowledge and passion.
Who knows, you may be able to build a profitable business from it.