Blog Commenting-Why Bother?
Have you ever gone searching through the blog-sphere and found a really good post on a new to you blog?
You like the post as a whole but maybe disagree on a point or two. You make a well thought out comment and hit the submit tab.
You check back an hour or two later and see “Your comment is awaiting moderation.” No big deal, they’re probably busy.
Two or three days later and you’re still awaiting. So you check on other posts and see a lot of “0 Comments” and you ask yourself “Are there no comments of are they all waiting for moderation?
What Is the Purpose Of Comments?
It seems to me that there are only four reasons for making a legitimate comment on someone’s blog:
- You want to start a converstion with the Author.
- You have some value of your own to add.
- You have a somewhat differing opinion and want to share it.
- You want to get your blog noticed.
So I have to ask,
“Why would anyone not moderate Comments after doing all the work it took to build a blog and create content?”
If you have a blog and allow Comments (and I don’t understand why some blogs don’t allow Comments) how often do you moderate?
As far as that goes, if you have a blog and don’t allow Comments, why not?
Please leave a Comment, I really want to know.