The 3 Best Ways To Get Your Content Consumed
That’s the trick, isn’t it? You type your fingers into little nubs creating your latest masterpiece, publish it to your blog, and echo, e-e-c-c-h-h-o-o-o.
The crickets are silent, not even a croak from a lonely bullfrog.
Now there are a lot of good, effective ways to get fresh eyes on your prize, your content. All of the ways presume you have good, at least passing good, content.
Just be sure you have your marketing funnels set up before you start lassoing readers to your blog, not too many things are more frustrating than being unprepared for an onslaught of new visitors.
#3 Be Current.
While the news is usually depressing you can almost always find something of interest in even the most absurd sound bytes.
Take Charlie Sheen’s recent adventures. He’s WINNING!! If winning is losing a Two Million Dollar a week show, if winning is being ridiculed by the media, and if winning is having your children forcibly removed from your home in the wee hours of the morning.
Charlie Sheen may not have anything to do with Internet Marketing, blogging, network marketing, or affiliate marketing, but he is a recent Twitter Super Star. Gathering over 3 million followers in record time.
Some sharp marketers are probably already working on “Charlie Sheen’s Winning!-Internet Marketing Tactics”
Have a top rated sitcom with a ten year run, after that the rest is a cakewalk.
You have ten years to figure out what to do next.
Some one may see this in the SERPs and get ticked off because it’s not all about Charlie Sheen, Losing!
#2 Start Out By Playing The Devil’s Advocate
Strong opinions can ignite a heated debate among polar opposites, and that’s just what you want on your blog. But what if you hold the same view as the majority, how do you spark the discussion?
Not really a problem. Even in a majority consensus there are differing ideas on how plans should be implemented for maximum effectiveness.
Find a way you differ even slightly from the mainstream and expand on it. Over emphasize and stress why your way is probably the best way. Just remember you can disagree without being disagreeable, object but keep your objectivity.
The tricky part is the turn around, you don’t really disagree, you just want to be noticed. Not sure how to do it? Watch political news programs for a few days, politicians are masters of the opinion about face. Todays statements may be tomorrow’s faux pas.
One way would be to take a thought leader you admire, no matter who you or they are there is something they taught that you don’t agree with, find it, then pick it apart, as tactfully as you can.
Case in point: Last post I nudged Eric Walker, almost too much. I was looking to start a debate with some of his students, to my surprise the man himself left a comment, which I approved without even reading it first.
Eric took it in stride and I ended up making a new friend, at the very least I didn’t make a new enemy, always a good thing.
#3 Just be You
Have you ever found an article that sounded really intriguing and then felt like you were reading a text book? I’m not talking about line breaks or open space, that’s a given if you write on-line. That is if you don’t want visitors to click away as soon as they see your imposing wall of text.
You aren’t writing an essay for English Class, the only grade you will get is in returning readers. Treat it more like Creative Writing, where individuality is king.
This is almost becoming a cliche, write how you talk. Use idioms and regional phrases, and if you’re not comfortable using four dollar words, don’t use them. All rules have exceptions, even venturing out of your comfort zone. If you don’t normally use big words you could use them out of context, and that jumps out like a sore thumb, making it look like you have delusions of grandeur.
Besides, you don’t want your reader to need their dictionaries open when they read your stuff.
That’s it in a nutshell, the three things you need to be doing if you want to be read.
Be Current
Start Out By Playing The Devil’s Advocate
Just Be You