Overcoming Writer’s Block, A Blogger’s Worst Enemy
You want to post, you have a burning need to post, but there’s a problem.
Your mind’s a blank!
What do you do? Do you stare at a blank screen for hours, willing your title to grow a post of it’s own accord?
Take it back a bit farther, what if you don’t even have a topic, let alone a title? Where do you go for inspiration?
Start at square one,
What’s your blog about?
Internet marketing? Network marketing? Skiing?
Maybe not the last, but this method will work for any niche, large or small. Well, almost, it won’t work it you blog about personal things like your house cat, but for business…
First go to Google Blog Search and type in the keywords for your blog, say Network marketing.
Hit Search.
How relevant and timely do you want your post to be? Duh, rhetorical question. You want to be as relevant and timely as humanly possible, right?
On the left hand side of your screen you will see a link that says, Browse Top Stories and underneath it a tab that says published.
Click where it says “Last day” and start reading. From the top down.
By the time you have read five posts you are practically guaranteed to come up with a topic that is not only relevant to your niche but is what people are talking about right now.
Make a comment on the blogs you used for inspiration and you will find yourself right smack dab in the middle of the conversation.
And the best part?
Most of the research has already been done for you, by some of the top bloggers in your niche.
A word of warning though, if you follow this method you may find yourself with more traffic than you are prepared to handle.