Adversity, A Tale Of Two Men
adversity-tale-men Jul 16, 2010 @ 13:02
This Post may not seem like it has anything to do with Internet Marketing, but in fact it says a lot about it.
August 31, 2008 My friend Mark and I were kicking back at my place, having a few too many drinks and shooting some pool.
I worked nights at the time so at about six pm I turned in for my pre-work nap.
Mark would usually have a last cigarette in my smoking room before heading home.
Not this day, the woman across the street from me had been messing with Mark’s head for close to four years.
Offering certain ah, favors in return for yard work and other household chores.
She finally pushed him over the edge and had Mark arrested, with help from Mark.
Refusing any kind of a plea bargain that would have gotten him out in two or three weeks with only some probation and counseling he did nearly four months in County Jail.
I stood by him, went to his court dates, and worked with his lawyer to prove that the woman planed the whole thing. But she could lie more convincingly than I can tell the truth, wonder how she sleeps.
None of his other friends even showed up.
Although one did say that since he lived near the federal prison he would visit often, way to show support.
Mark no longer speaks to me, somehow in those four months he convinced himself that it was my fault he was arrested while I was sleeping.
I ran into Mark’s brother Randy at the store this morning, I asked how Mark was doing.
Drinking excessively, smoking again, after acting so proud of quiting, and doing all the drugs he can find. At least what he can get from his welfare check.
That’s one man, at least he used to be.
I said we were having too many drinks. I went to work, a bit hung over.
Didn’t count to ten when I should have and got fired. Right at the start of this wonderful economy we find ourselves in.
I fought to get my job back for almost two months, no luck. They hired two part time workers to fill my shoes, didn’t work, their plan or my supposed replacements.
What did I do? No job and not much chance of finding one?
I did what so many thousands of people are doing everyday now. I turned on my computer, I had heard there was money to be made on-line and I wanted mine.
Small problem though, I didn’t know squat. I couldn’t even type.
I taught myself, I still don’t know if I hit the right keys with the proper fingers. Doesn’t matter, my message gets through.
I learned a lot of new skills, wish I could master the shift key. In time, more important things to do right now.
Now, almost two years later Mark is a half step away from being a homeless bum, his choice.
What am I?
A businessman, an entrepreneur, a leader in Internet Marketing. My choice!
I took my lemons and made a vat of lemonade, want some? I have lots. I even have the recipe. Want it?
Every one has problems, it’s how we deal with them that defines us.
You can crawl into a bottle and cry that life isn’t fair,
Or you can take the bull by the horns, wrestle it to the ground and eat steak, let’s Bar Be Que.
I Will Not Be Denied, Will You?
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