The Three Worst Myths About Network Marketing
First, a little clarity. What is a myth?
While you can find many definitions they boil down to this:
A myth is a story about someone who may or may not have lived, who might have done some amazing feat, that has been retold and embellished for entertainment over and over.
In short, an exaggeration.
For example, Did the Battle of Thermopylae really happen? With out a doubt, it’s a matter of history.
Did it happen like shown in the movie “300”? Very doubtful.
With the speed of the Internet myths about Network Marketing have grown, spread, and taken on a life of their own. These are some of the most harmful.
Myth #1 “You can build a Multi Million Dollar business with no money, no effort, and no experience.”
If only that were true, we would all be wealthy and laugh all the way to the bank, that is if you don’t have Direct Deposit.
Let’s make it a true sentence, “You can start a Network Marketing Business with little money down and no experience.”
With the wide variety of Network Marketing Opportunities available you can start get involved for as little as $30.00 or as much as several thousand dollars.
You can start your business with little money and no experience but to build that Million Dollar Business you have to put in some effort to learn the business and get the experience you need.
The beauty of Network Marketing is that your Enroller has a vested interest in training you to succeed. If he can help you make to money he will make a little more also.
You can start with what you have and then you build on that.
Myth #2 You Can Set It And Forget It
Almost but not quite. After doing the work necessary to build your Network Marketing Business you can cut back on the time you spend working at your business but you can’t just walk away.
You can create systems, or use your Sponsor’s system, to make your recruitment and training of recruits automatic but you still have to monitor the systems.
Two or three hours a day is a small price to pay for the freedom to do what you want to do, when you want to do it.
Myth #3 It’s A Numbers Game, If You Talk To Enough People You’re Guaranteed To Win
In building a business, any business, there are no guarantees for success.
You can talk to One Hundred Thousand people but if they are not interested in starting a Network Marketing Business you may as well play Tennis with a ball of mashed potatoes.
You will have about the same amount of success but not as much fun.
Now if you talk to enough of the right people, people who want to work from home and build a Network Marketing Business, then you have a chance. A really good chance.
But still no guarantee. At least not from anyone else.
You can virtually guarantee your own success if you do three things;
Start, you can’t succeed at anything if you don’t start.
Commit yourself to learning everything you can to build your business.
Do something every day to move your business forward.
Start, commit,and act. Easy to say, not so easy to do at first.
With practice everything can get easier, even Network Marketing.
With enough dedication, practice and training anyone can build a Network Marketing Business.
Especially you.